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Complete Works of Gilles Mureau

Amiens MS 162 D

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Dulot’s Ave Maria
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MS Florence 2794


D’ung aultre amer (1) 3v ex 2v · Anonymous


*Bologna Q17 ff. 46v-47 »D’ung aultre amer« 3v ex 2v (unicum) PDF · Facsimile (Q017_048)

Text: Rondeau quatrain; incipits only in Bologna Q17. For the complete rondeau text, see Ockeghem’s »D’un autre amer mon cueur s’abesseroit«.

Evaluation of the source:

Copy without any scribal errors. Only two voices are notated, superius and tenor. The canon in the tenor is indicated by a signum congruentiae positioned at d’ above the 2nd note of a c.o.p.-ligature.

Comments on text and music:

Reworking of Ockeghem’s rondeau »D’un autre amer mon cueur s’abesseroit« based on Ockeghem’s superius part, which is cited unchanged above a canon at the upper fifth at the distance of one semibrevis. The notated voice in the canon is in the tenor range. It is possible to underlay all three voices with the rondeau text and to perform the complete rondeau (see the edition). The piece is kept together primarily by the melodic cohesion of Ockeghem’s superius floating on the web created by complementary rhythmical patterns of the canon. The full rondeau form is, however, not very interesting to listen to owing to the absence of contrasts and cadential tension. The composer had his focus on the construction of the canon.

PWCH September 2011